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Protecting health and promoting talent.

We offer our employees a safe, equal-opportunity and future-oriented working environment.

Whether we are responding to digitalisation or globalisation, constant changes in the working world require an up-to-date and future-oriented corporate culture.

We care for you. PORR remains true to this mission statement by continuously implementing measures that promote the health and well-being of all employees. We prioritise people.

Health & safety We provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment.
Training and further education We promote the potential of our employees with individual training and further education opportunities.
Human rights It goes without saying that we are committed to protecting human rights.
Diversity & equal opportunities We benefit from the diversity of our employees and actively promote equal treatment and opportunity.

Health & safety are our top priority.

At PORR, we take health and safety a crucial step further: “Safety first” is just the foundation for the additional measures we implement. The physical and mental well-being of all PORRians is a basic prerequisite for our success.

Occupational safety with a long-term goal: Zero accidents.

“Vision Zero” seeks to reduce the accident rate at PORR to less than ten accidents per million hours worked. This will be achieved through regular checks, training, and a reporting system for near misses and dangerous situations.

We have set out our occupational safety agreements and principles in safety guidelines as well as in the Code of Conduct. From day one, every PORRian undertakes to comply with our quality and safety guidelines. Quarterly priority topics ensure that the importance of occupational safety is permanently anchored in people’s minds. For example, we have established the “Safety Walk” – a safety check carried out by our management during site visits – as a suitable tool for accident prevention.

The last-minute risk analysis card is used across the Group to raise awareness and underscore personal responsibility, as well as to promote the identification of hazards in the workplace. In future, PORR will increasingly digitalise safety inspections and precautionary measures in construction.

Prevention instead of reaction: occupational safety at PORR.

Promoting occupational health at PORR.

The health and safety of our employees is important to us. This includes interactive training on occupational health on the construction site, as well as first aid training.

In addition to comprehensive training and safety improvements on construction sites, we also promote health protection in the office. To reduce the health impact of screen work, PORR offers employees preventive medical check-ups for all aspects of eye health. These check-ups assess employee eyesight, provide information on any glasses that may be needed, and clarify health issues related to screen work. The internal information portal also includes some eye and back exercises for rest and relaxation.

All employees also benefit from discounted memberships of gyms and internal workshops on the subject of resilience and time management – for a healthy work-life balance.

Training and further education.

Our employees ensure PORR’s corporate success. We rely on sustainable personnel development and promote individual strengths and skills.

The expertise of our employees gives us a decisive competitive advantage over our competitors. PORR offers a wide range of advanced qualifications to ensure that our POrrians remain the best in their field, not just today but also in the future. In this way, we support our employees in their professional and personal development.

The buddy system, which has been successful for many years, helps our new employees get started quickly. An experienced employee accompanies new colleagues in their first few weeks at PORR and helps them to find their feet quickly and integrate into their working environment.

PORR Academy – a digital training platform with a wide range of courses.

The group-wide PORR Academy includes all PORR’s training courses and educational offerings. Courses range from the basics of communication and intercultural training, to aspects of occupational safety and legal issues. In addition to face-to-face events, there is also increasing use of digital media such as webinars, e-learning, etc. Training courses on digitalisation, personal development, or special topics such as women’s empowerment are extremely popular.

How we recognise and promote talent in Recruiting.

Identifying and promoting individual strengths begins at recruitment. Our many recruitment measures give potential employees an initial insight into the world of PORR. These range from student visits to construction sites to possible study-based internships and working student opportunities, as well as jobs at PORR combined with collaboration on a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. We support and assist talented people from the very beginning of their career path.

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Human rights & employment.

PORR is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, the world's largest initiative for sustainable economic activity. As such, it is actively committed to Group-wide implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and all the fundamental rights set out in the Human Rights Charter.

PORR believes in fair remuneration based on the principle of equal treatment regardless of gender. It attaches great importance to non-discrimination and does not tolerate child or forced labour on its construction sites or within its sphere of influence, and guarantees its employees freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. We also ensure fair working practices and the protection of human rights along the supply chain. The group-wide Code of Conduct for employees, for business partners, as well as our compliance management system help us to achieve these goals.

The declaration of Principles on the human right strategy supplements the PORR Code of Conduct. This is the basis and benchmark for all guidelines and regulations that ensure legally compliant, responsible and ethically impeccable actions within the company.

Diversity & equal opportunities.

With around 20,000 employees from over 80 nations, diversity is a key success factor at PORR. We want everyone at PORR to have the same opportunities for professional development – regardless of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation or disability. As a signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) of the United Nations, we actively support the empowerment of women in the company.

Leveraging diversity – the We@PORR diversity initiative.

We launched the We@PORR initiative to integrate the topic of diversity into our corporate culture.

With communication campaigns, role models, lectures, networking meetings, women’s training courses and mentoring programmes, we support the exchange of experiences and raising of awareness of topics relevant to women.


News on working at PORR.

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3-day annual training programme for occupational safety
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PORR is the industry winner of the "Pioneer in Social Responsibility 2024" study
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PORR honoured as "Modern Employer 2024" in the construction company category.
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Tagesspiegel honours PORR with ‘Charity Award 2024’ in gold
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PORR is once again one of the training champions 2023
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