We use Lean Logistics to identify potential savings in construction project management. Activities related to building logistics such as transport, storage, installation and removal operations often take up of the total time involved in the finishing work. We use the existing potential here to avoid unnecessary processes such as long search times in unstructured storage rooms and expensive transport routes.
Optimised processes for more cost-effectiveness
Just-in-time, procurement, production, waste disposal and information logistics are all part of construction logistics. They are defined specifically for each project. A construction logistics manual is provided to inform all project participants about the applicable logistical framework conditions and thus to ensure clarity in all processes and to implement them optimally on the construction site. The construction logistics manual includes, for example, information on delivery processes, efficient material storage and the selected disposal system. This shortens lead times, increases the share of added value, and allows the construction project to be realised on schedule and at low cost.