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PORR is strengthening its brand presence in the field of transport route engineering.

G-S Road Construction Ltd. becomes PORR Gussasphalt GmbH

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Double ISO certification according to ISO 37001 and ISO 37301 emphasises the commitment to integrity and transparency

PORR Germany successfully completes certification audit (anti-corruption and compliance management system)

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Revitalizing the LUX 121 saves grey energy

The full-service real estate company CrescoRealEstate is renovating the Luxemburger Strasse 121 building complex in a central Cologne location. The revitalization is an example of how the balancing act between sustainability, cost-effectiveness, functionality and aesthetics can succeed. The Düsseldorf branch of PORR Hochbau West, headed by the responsible project manager Drees & Sommer, secured…

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PORR is one of the ‘Best Employers 2024’

PORR has particularly impressed the market research institute SWI Human Resources from Hamburg with its family-friendly policies and is therefore one of the best employers of 2024. The results were published in the Handelsblatt. In addition to family-friendliness, fair career advancement was also a key criterion of the study.

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PORR remains on path to success

Significant growth in CEE and INFRA: Output up by 4.6% Solid order backlog: EUR 8.2 bn EBIT up by 18% to around EUR 92m Guidance for 2024 confirmed and expanded   Vienna, 21.11.2024 – PORR increased its output by 4.6% to over EUR 5 bn in the first three quarters of 2024. Infrastructure construction is booming, especially on its home markets in CEE. In Poland, the order intake grew by over…

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Successful assembly of the tunnel boring machine's cutting wheel

After the new tunnel boring machine (TBM) for the SuedLink Elbe crossing reached its installation site in the launch pit in Wewelsfleth (Schleswig-Holstein) at the end of September, another small project milestone was reached shortly afterwards: the assembly of the cutting wheel. The preparatory work for the launch shaft is in the final spurt so that the installation of the tunnel boring machine…

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Pumpspeicherkraftwerke - eine altbewährte Technologie für die Energiewende

Pumpspeicherkraftwerke sind eine Technologie, die teilweise schon seit mehr als 100 Jahren existiert. Jetzt entdecken Energieversorger die Wasserkrafttechnologie wieder und bauen die Kraftwerke massiv aus. Denn in der Energiewende können alte Kraftwerke eine wichtige Rolle einnehmen.

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PORR Spezialtiefbau is the first company to receive the DGNB basic certificate “Sustainable Construction Site Specialist Civil Engineering”

PORR Spezialtiefbau GmbH is once again setting standards in the construction industry and was the first company to be awarded the DGNB basic certificate “Sustainable Construction Site Specialist Civil Engineering”. This special award from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) confirms PORR's outstanding commitment to sustainable construction and the responsible use of resources.

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PORR renovates taxiway at Frankfurt Airport in night shift

On behalf of Fraport AG, PORR Verkehrswegebau's Münster branch is renovating taxiway L9 at Frankfurt Airport. The challenging infrastructure project includes the renewal of taxiway L9 as well as the dismantling and new construction of the entire service roads. In order to ensure smooth flight operations and keep to the schedule, the work will be carried out exclusively at night. The construction…

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Bridge superstructure of the Salzbachtal Bridge North fully on schedule

The in-situ concrete work on the 324-metre-long north bridge is in full swing, bringing the on-time completion of the two-part Salzbachtal bridge by summer 2025 within reach. The precision landings achieved by the consortium of PORR and Plauen Stahl Technologie since the start of construction are only partly explained by the cost-effective steel composite construction method with its high degree…

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