Because the use of deep foundations or large-scale soil replacement for very soft or relatively unstable layers tends to be very complicated and expensive, more targeted subsoil improvement measures can be a significantly more economical alternative.
We offer a wide range of both traditional and innovative techniques for stabilising existing subsoil. Our broad portfolio of technical capabilities allows us to tailor our services to the individual conditions of your construction site.
The cost effectiveness of a stabilisation measure and the amount of work involved always depend to a large extent on the local boundary and planning conditions and the technology used. These boundary conditions essentially determine the manufacturing grid of the stabilising elements used. As a provider of subsoil improvement measures, we are your single, go-to source for processes tailored specifically to your construction project. As such, we provide the optimal solution in terms of technology and cost-effectiveness.
We offer the following soil improvement services:
- Soil mixing
- Ground freezing
- Compaction grouting
- Jet grouting
- Columns encased in geotextiles
- Vibro compaction
- Vibro replacement
- Stump-Franki S³ stabilising column system
- Vibro in-situ concrete columns
- Replacement in-situ concrete columns
- Solidification injections
- FDP piles (non-reinforced concrete piles)
Interested in our methods? All of our methods simply explained:
How specialist civil engineering works