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3-day annual training programme for occupational safety

From 13 to 15 May 2020, the occupational safety department of PORR Germany, headed by Björn Kass, organised its annual training course at the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Bildungsstätte in Bad Münder.

10 safety experts from various divisions of PORR Germany as well as the PORR subsidiary BBGS took part in the 3-day annual training programme. 



10 safety experts from various divisions of PORR Germany as well as the PORR subsidiary BBGS came together to promote a common understanding of occupational safety and to expand their knowledge for consulting the operational units. Dr Susanne Schlagner, Iyo Busch and Volker Sinnhuber took part in the event as speakers from BG Bau. At the end, the participants not only held their training certificates in their hands, but also returned to their sites with fresh tools for day-to-day occupational safety.
Lecturers from the Employer's Liability Insurance Association for the Construction Industry (BG Bau) organised the technical programme. Dipl.-Ing. Volker Sinnhuber opened the first afternoon with the workshop "BaustellV & VOB: Contents & Requirements". At the end of the day, the Head of Occupational Safety, Björn Kass, provided information on changes in the structure and orientation of occupational safety at PORR in Germany.
The next morning, Ivo Busch spoke on the topics of "Construction machinery on the construction site" as well as "Explosive ordnance". After the lunch break, Susanne Schlagner presented the concept of "Cultural dialogue on occupational safety", which is intended to help further develop the occupational safety culture at PORR Germany and facilitate dialogue with employees on the topics of occupational safety and health.
The last morning once again belonged to Volker Sinnhuber and Ivo Busch, who highlighted relevant safety aspects in two presentations entitled "Requirements in special civil engineering" and "Personnel lifting equipment on construction sites".
"Successful occupational safety is not a sprint, but a marathon," said Björn Kass, Head of Occupational Safety at PORR Germany. "We still have a lot of work ahead of us before we reach our defined interim target of an accident frequency of less than ten accidents per million hours worked or even PORR's Vision Zero with the long-term goal of zero accidents at work - and then maintain it. An important milestone in this respect is the regular dialogue during our annual training. We all left the event with valuable input and new motivation."


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