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Deep foundations for a converter station at the start of the A-North route

On behalf of Siemens Energy, PORR Spezialtiefbau is working in a consortium with Gebr. Neumann GmbH to produce around 5,200 full displacement drilled piles for the deep foundations of the converter station at the starting point of the A-Nord extra-high voltage line in Emden/Ost.

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Dresdner Schützengarten: Block C handed over on time

The neighbourhood project has impressive dimensions: PORR Hochbau Region Ost is constructing 19 buildings in two blocks with 402 flats, 2 underground car parks, spacious green areas and children's playgrounds in Dresden's city centre near the Zwinger. The turnkey handover of Block C was completed on schedule in March 2024.

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Construction of the temporary bridge on the Südschnellweg in Hanover is progressing

The existing Südschnellweg bridge in Hanover will be replaced by a tunnel by 2030. Using a modular construction method, PORR is building a parallel replacement bridge consisting of 18 substructures, over which traffic will be routed during the construction work. Following the completion of substructures 13 and 2, the two most important intersections with Hildesheimer Strasse and Schützenallee have…

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Hamburg meets Vienna: Deutsche Studierende erhalten Einblicke in die internationale Welt der PORR

Anfang Mai hießen unsere österreichischen Kolleg*innen Studierende des Bauingenieurwesens von der Hochschule 21 aus Buxtehude bei Hamburg – an der auch einige unsere dualen Studierenden eingeschrieben sind - im Headquarter in Wien willkommen.

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Complex construction pits for one of Nuremberg's Art Nouveau jewels

Following a thorough rehabilitation, the former municipal public swimming pool in Nuremberg is to be converted and extended into an indoor swimming pool with a large wellness area. The Munich branch of PORR Spezialtiefbau was commissioned by the City of Nuremberg to construct a complex construction pit for the new teaching pool. DSV underpinnings secured the neighbouring listed buildings against…

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Tagesspiegel honours PORR with ‘Charity Award 2024’ in gold

PORR Germany has been honoured with the ‘Charity Award 2024’ in gold by the Tagesspiegel. The award is the result of a study conducted by ServiceValue. It honours companies that go above and beyond legal requirements in their commitment to society, social issues and the environment.

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PORR: Solid performance in first quarter

Production output up by 4.1% Order backlog of EUR 8.4 bn at top level Successful cost management leads to higher earnings 2024 guidance confirmed Vienna, 23.05.2024 – PORR proved exceptionally stable in the first quarter of 2024. Alongside clear growth in production output, the company once again increased its EBIT by 14.4%. Civil engineering and infrastructure construction served as…

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Home game in Münster: Developments on the Albachten-Ost construction site

The PORR transport route engineering team from Münster does not have to travel long distances for this new project. As part of the development of the new Münster-Albachten residential area, PORR was commissioned to construct the paved and asphalted traffic areas as well as the drainage pipes. Work on the first construction phase began in January 2024 and is scheduled for completion in September…

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PORR erects shell for new PVS headquarters in Mülheim an der Ruhr

PORR Building Construction Region West has been working on familiar ground since September 2023. A few years ago, the building construction team built an extension for 170 employees in the direct neighbourhood of the PVS headquarters in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Now the existing building from the 1980s is being replaced by a sustainable new building and the Münster branch has once again been awarded…

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Conversion of the UHLENHORST care facility on the home straight

Once again, PORR Building Construction Region North is living up to its responsibility in coordinating and realising a challenging construction project for HSI Hamburger Senioren Immobilien GmbH. The residents of the Uhlenhorst care facility in Hamburg will be able to move into their remodelled and extended home in 2024. The topping-out ceremony for the new care facility was held on 15 May 2024.

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