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Career built by PORR: Five apprentices successfully complete their training

Five Berlin apprentices as industrial clerks can be proud of themselves: Not only did they successfully complete their final exams by February 2023, they will also remain with PORR and Stump-Franki in a permanent position. In the future, all five colleagues will use the knowledge they have acquired over the last 2.5 years of training in future projects and grow together with us.

From left to right: Jenny Winkler (Ausbilderin Hochbau), Dustin Lück, Max Heyer, Fenja Herden , Frederik Prinz Menzel, Denise Meißner, Stefan Scheibel (Ausbilder Ingenieurbau), Maximilian Lacasa (Ausbilder Stump-Franki) © PORR

As part of their training, the trainees passed through various company departments, such as accounting and incoming goods transfer in Berlin, personnel administration in Munich and Münster, as well as the respective local purchasing units. They spent a large part of the time on the construction sites. This gave them a comprehensive insight into all of PORR's operational and strategic business areas.

Team with solidarity: even in special times

In the area of building construction and civil engineering, the PORR employees responsible for training, who supervise and accompany the young colleagues during their training, have been working closely together for years: from conducting interviews with applicants to jointly organised introductory events. Since 2016, the cooperation has been expanded to include the Stump-Franki Foundation Engineering business unit and, in 2020, the Major Projects business unit.

The same solidarity and cohesion applies to the trainees: In addition to learning groups and the exchange of school materials, our young colleagues have formed a network from day one that extends beyond their own area. This cohesion was particularly valuable during the last 2.5 years, which were marked by the challenges of the pandemic.

Thanks to the unity of the team and digitalisation, the training continued successfully despite home office arrangements and homeschooling.

Young people must be encouraged

Due to the rapidly growing shortage of skilled workers, PORR has taken up the cause of strengthening training. Over several years, the Berlin branch has successfully trained industrial clerks, who already make up a large proportion of the operational administration. In the future, we must continue to support young people and give them a chance to complete their training.

We say thank you to the training team, congratulate our young talents and wish them all the best for their future careers at PORR. 

The following people successfully completed their training as industrial clerks in Berlin from September 2020 to February 2023 and will remain with PORR:

  • Fenja Herden – Hochbau Region Ost                                  
  • Dustin Lück – Hochbau Region Ost                                    
  • Frederik Prinz Menzel – Ingenieurbau                              
  • Denise Meißner – Stump Franki Spezialtiefbau Region Ost                         
  • Max Heyer – Hochbau Großprojekte             



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