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STILL Logistics Centre, Hamburg

Facts and Figures
Company PORR Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Principal Max Bögl Stiftung GmbH
Location Hamburg - Germany
Type Foundations
Runtime 08.2016 - 11.2016

Deep foundation on 2,800 piles

ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG is developing, planning and executing the major “STILL logistics centre” construction project, with an investment volume of almost 30 million Euros. Two halls spanning a total area of some 27,000 square metres will be built at the Hamburg site on Billbrookdeich by spring 2017. Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG awarded PORR Spezialtiefbau the contract to create the pile foundations using Simplex piles. 

A deep, pile-based foundation was required since the contaminated soil made surface foundations with soil exchanging impossible for economic and environmental reasons. The foundation soil consists of fills four to six metres deep, and around three to seven metres of clay, before the supporting sandy layer is reached. In a short construction period, PORR produced a total of 2,800 piles, measuring between 11 and 22 metres in length.

Two pieces of equipment were used to ensure the tight schedule was kept and to make work even more efficient. This meant that 50 piles were produced on average every day. From October onwards, the work was carried out in parallel to the shell construction work. To enable work to be performed on the second hall, a Vattenfall 110kVa overhead line running between the halls had to be underpinned. This required dismantling the equipment on one side and reassembling it on the other to ensure the distances to the line was maintained.