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Hellweg Nord service area, Geseke

Facts and Figures
Company PORR Verkehrswegbau GmbH
Principal Landesbetrieb Straßenbau NRW, RNL Hochsauerland-Meschede
Location Geseke - Germany
Type Parking and rest facilities
Runtime 08.2018 - 09.2019

Focus on deadline security

The Osnabrück/Gütersloh branch was awarded the contract for the new construction of the Hellweg Nord service area on the A44 by the NRW state road construction authority. Almost all trades, such as earthworks, sewer construction, installation of layers without binder,

paving work, production of the kerbs using in-situ concrete slipforming technology, and installation of the concrete and asphalt road pavements, were carried out using the company's own capacities. During the runtime, space was created for 114 trucks, 45 cars and 7 buses.