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Stabilisation of a historic city wall, Aachen

Facts and Figures
Company PORR Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Principal Eurovia Beton GmbH, Hofheim-Wallau
Location Aachen - Germany
Type Rehabilitation
Runtime 02.2022 - 05.2022

Injection work for masonry renovation

In Kornelimünster near Aachen, the up to ten metre high bank retaining wall of the Inde at Napoleonsberg had to be renovated. Preliminary investigations showed that the retaining wall was in a poor condition and its stability could no longer be proven. The old natural stone masonry was cleared of roots, partially renewed and the entire wall was repointed.

Documented quality

The site installation for the special civil engineering took place above the wall. For the injection work, PORR relied on mixing plants and injection containers with highly developed technology. All key production parameters were recorded and were therefore available for subsequent computer-aided evaluation.

In this way, PORR guaranteed reliable realisation at a consistently high level.

Stability restored

 The grouting work was carried out from February to May 2020. The scope of work included reinforcing the ground-side wall area with injections once the masonry structure had been restored. Six pumps were used to inject a cement mixture through 130 boreholes in order to close cavities and consolidate the old masonry. The injections made the entire wall cross-section structurally effective again