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Quartier M1, Münster

Facts and Figures
Company PORR Hochbau West GmbH
Principal Vivawest Wohnen GmbH
Location Münster - Germany
Type Residential construction
Runtime 06.2018 - 07.2020

New construction of energy efficiency apartments

The former premises of a major Mercedes dealership of about 22,100m² were turned into a new residential area.

Living space for all needs

VivaWest Wohnen GmbH commissioned PORR to plan and build five turnkey residential buildings with underground parking. These include both publicly subsidised and privately financed housing.

A total of 124 apartments with 76 underground parking spaces for cars and parking lots for bicycles were built across three construction sites. The associated outdoor facilities provide additional bicycle parking spaces and car parking in the public area.  Each building comprises up to 29 apartment units with sizes ranging from 42m² to 125m². Each apartment features its own outdoor area. These are cleverly fenced off and shielded by hedges and walls from each other as well as from the public walkways. All housing units are barrier-free accessible.

High-quality building standard

The buildings are designed with a thermal insulation composite system façade featuring appealing mineral sgraffito ornamental plaster and partial cladding with clinker bricks. The different building colours distinguish the buildings from each other, while at the same time creating a unifying appearance at the same time. As a special design feature, distinctive white ornamental bands have been mounted around each window. Elaborate, extensive outdoor facilities complement the successful planning.

Technical data

60,400 m3 Gross cubic capacity
18,900 m2 Gross floor area
76 Underground parking spaces
124 Apartments