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PORR receives basic certificate ‘Sustainable foundation engineering construction site’

The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) has awarded PORR Spezialtiefbau GmbH the basic certificate ‘Sustainable Construction Site Specialised Civil Engineering’ as the first company in the field of specialised civil engineering. With the new certification, the assessment now also focuses on the execution of excavation pits, pile foundations and jet grouting. The new basic certificate already covers key standards from the DGNB's catalogue of requirements and serves as a basis for the certification of future construction sites.

Permanent anchor in Straubing harbour: Sustainable construction site in special civil engineering certified by the DGNB.

The basic certificate confirms sustainable standard construction processes that are already standardised across all projects in PORR's specialist civil engineering department. These processes no longer need to be verified individually for future DGNB certification. PORR's ‘Green & Lean’ sustainability strategy and our integrated management system (IMS) made a significant contribution to the successful certification.

Following the pilot construction site in Straubing harbour with permanent anchors, we are currently having a construction site in Munich with micropiles and jet grouting certified according to DGNB criteria. On request, we can also carry out your construction site in an environmentally friendly manner and with DGNB certification. The DGNB certificate offers you advantages for subsequent building certification and contributes to sustainable construction.   This means that PORR also offers you all services from a single source when it comes to sustainability.


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