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Innovative solutions for data centres, mixed-use and social welfare facilities

Die PORR präsentiert sich auf der EXPO REAL 2024 vom 7. bis 9. Oktober als führendes Bauunternehmen mit allen Leistungen aus einer Hand. Im Fokus des Messeauftritts stehen unter anderem die Assetklassen Datacenter, Mixed-Used- und Sozialimmobilien.

As Europe's leading trade fair for property and investment, EXPO REAL is an established forum that covers the entire spectrum of the property industry. For PORR as a leading construction company, participation in the trade fair is therefore obligatory. The company will use examples to show what it means to design working and living spaces that are safe, economical and sustainable.

"This year we are welcoming customers, partners and interested parties with our service promise - Construction from a single source. Green and Lean - for the first time at an exhibition stand measuring around 100square metres, which makes it clear what PORR is all about: building. Using the asset classes of data centres, mixed-use properties and social welfare facilities as examples, our experts will be presenting the Lean approach to realisation. We are very much looking forward to a stimulating and critical exchange", says Claude-Jeutter, Technical Managing Director of PORR in Germany and member of the Executive Board of PORR AG.

Asset classes with potential

In response to the growing demand for digital infrastructure, PORR offers customised solutions for the construction of data centres, as demonstrated by exemplary projects in Warsaw, Berlin and now in Frankfurt am Main. With a deep understanding of the technical and security requirements of these highly specialised properties, PORR is looking forward to exchanging ideas with experts at EXPO REAL 2024.

PORR is also redesigning urban spaces and creating vibrant, multifunctional environments that combine living, working and leisure. With mixed-use properties that intelligently combine commercial buildings and housing in a future-oriented construction solution, PORR is the right partner for project developers and investors from planning through to completion.

With a comprehensive portfolio of built social welfare facilities, such as nursing homes and senior residences, PORR is responding to the changing needs of an ageing society. Prime examples of this are THE FLAG Senior Living in Dülmen and the Wilhelmsburg care centre in Hamburg. These projects are characterised by high quality standards and well thought-out architecture that offer residents comfort and security.

Would you like to talk to us about these topics and more, e.g. hotel properties, office and administration buildings and intelligent solutions in residential construction?

With pleasure! We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Visit PORR at stand C2.314. Further information on PORR's participation in EXPO REAL 2024 can be found here.


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